Former Lesbian Shares Powerful Message of Hope With Parents of Homosexual Children

Former Lesbian Shares Powerful Message of Hope With Parents of Homosexual Children by JANET BOYNES for Charisma News

This is the day and time when parents need to stand strong and not give up or become discouraged. One of the greatest tools the enemy uses is discouragement.

“This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go” (Josh. 1:9, NLT).

If we relax our hold on what we know through God’s Word to be true and right, the enemy has an opportunity to gain a foothold in our lives. If we give up on our hope in the Lord and the promises He offers in His Word, the enemy has gained the upper hand.

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I know of a sweet 80-year-old woman whose son is still in the homosexual lifestyle. She has stayed faithful for over 30 years, trusting her son will leave the lifestyle. She may not live to see it happen, but like Abraham, she is trusting faithfully. We may not see the answer to all of our prayers, but we must never stop believing and having faith.

We always can look to Jesus as our example. In Luke, He told his disciples a parable to the effect that they should always pray and never lose heart or give up (Luke 18:1).

The parable was about a widow who went before a judge and asked him to protect, defend and give her justice against her enemy. At first the judge didn’t want to give her the time of day. Yet because she continued to persevere, he provided her with the assistance she needed. Jesus went on to ask His disciples a couple of questions: Will not our just God defend and protect and avenge His chosen ones? When the Son of Man comes, will He find persistence in faith on the earth? In other words, are we able to trust God to come through for us, even in our darkest times? Are we willing to stand and believe until we see the results?

In Ephesians 6:13, Paul encourages us: “Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.”

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